Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Big Bang Theory

The Big Bang Theory is the most widely supported theory of the Universe's birth.  The BBT states that the Universe was once a 'Cosmic Egg' that suddenly exploded and expanded to create the Universe that we know today!  The cosmic egg was superheated and super-dense, so it was basically just a pressure cooker waiting to explode.  The Universe, according to this theory, is and always will be continually expanding.  One problem with the BBT, which is also existent in any other theory, is that no one who is alive right now was actually there to see the beginning of the Universe, so we will never be able to be 100% sure about the BBT.  Some arguments for the BBT are that 'In a big bang, the expansion rate would slow; in a steady sate universe it would remain constant. Also, Observations reported in 1948 purported to find that more distant galaxies were indeed older." However, this theory violates laws such as the first law of thermodynamics and the law of entropy.  Of course, laws can always be broken, and nothing is 100% for sure, so I don't really feel that these are big deals.

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